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Module 1: Getting Started

This module starts by doing something then going on and doing another thing.

You’ve taken this course because, for some reason, you want to write. Maybe you need to write. Maybe you see writing as a route to money and fame (in which case we need to have a little word). For some people, writing is a kind of therapy; there’s no doubt that fictional characters provide unique opportunities for us to say and do things that would be difficult or impossible in everyday life. Whatever your motivation, I hope that this course will help you reach your goal through a combination of ideas and exercises and constructive feedback.

There are no rules

As you work through this course remember that there are no rules, only suggestions, and the most important of these is to write from the heart. Say what you want to say, in your own words and in your own style. If some of the modules seem prescriptive, remember that they are simply there to help you get started. Feel free to disagree, don’t be constrained.

Above all, Don’t worry about what other people will think; writing is freedom – enjoy.

Everything is valid

Especially in these exercises, don’t try to be too polished, don’t be afraid of big ideas and don’t censor yourself. Experiment – there’s no pass or fail. Everything is valid, everything is valuable. If you’re not happy with what you’ve written, don’t worry. You’ll have many more opportunities to try something else.

Once you start, keep that pen moving (or fingers tapping).

If you can, write every day. It doesn’t matter where; notes on a bus, half a page in your lunch hour. Establish a routine; give yourself a personal half hour every day when you’ll ignore the phone and the demands of your dog/partner/kids.

And above all – have fun!